From: Braintree, UK
Sounds like: Rock
Audrey Ripper released this EP last year so let's get right in and tell you why you need to check these guys out if you're a fan of Rock music. The opener "Negative Reinforcement" starts off slow with some methodical riffs before the unique vocals kick in. The throwback vocals have shades of Shock Rock in its delivery. The guitar solos on the track are excellent adds a layer of depth as well. "Chelsea Smiles" is a funky little tune that'll get you dancing right along. The Southern Rock tinged track is fast and cranks things up even further later on in to create one heck of a number. "Stone Cold" is an emotional, mostly acoustic track. The track does finally erupt with a more Rock sensibility later on as the passion that bursts at the seams. It's a heartfelt track and shouldn't be missed. "Frankengod" cranks up the energy level to 11. The high energy track takes off right from the get go and doesn't let up. It really shows what the band is capable of what they let loose. The closer "Same Strange Chaos" really brings things full circle as it churns along at a fast clip. The EP is only five tracks and should be just enough to hold listeners over until their new music comes along.
Audrey Ripper makes their mark into the Rock music scene with their newest EP.