We're BalaClava a two piece punk band from the sleepy county of Norfolk. Our new singles are out on all streaming services.
"The Story of Loverboy" Single Review
The track kicks off with strumming riffs before dipping down into a more lower tempo alongside melodic vocals. The pacing and melodies are super catchy and easily captivate the listener to sing along in no time. The story of the track itself keeps things interesting throughout and hooking all who listen. The track takes its time with delivering a top notch sound that perfectly complements their other recent single ("F.O.F").
BalaClava showcase their melodic side with their magnificent new single.
"F.O.F" Single Review
The track opens up right away with high energy riffage to kick things off properly. The vocals seemeless enter the fray and bring with them some of that old school Punk aggression. The instrumentation takes hold and sucks the listener in with its fast pace and melodies. There's a lot packed in the two minute runtime and makes the listener reach for the repeat button. While it's quick in its delivery, it packs a mighty Punk punch that will attract Punk fans near and far.
BalaClava soar to extreme heights with their top notch "F.O.F" single.
-Interview- (11/26/24)
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? How did the name "BalaClava" come about and is there any meaning to it?
We met through social-media when starting a different project, but soon came to realise that we could take our sound down a different route as a duo. We had a long hard think and booked a practice together three months ago, and boom! Tracks like Birthday Bitch, 121 and Miss IndepenDUMBt were born.
The name BalaClava actually came about as we want to keep our identities hidden and decided to wear masks and by chance “BalaClavas” contain both of our initials and did the job, just a little gimmick but we thought it would be fun and we just bought the idea to life.
2. What do you want people to take away from your music?
When it comes to our music, what we want people to think isn’t necessarily “Oh my god that’s the best band I’ve ever heard” as we aren’t about that. What we are about is making some noise, having a laugh and reminding people that even in today’s world you can say what you feel and do what makes you happy. If people take one thing away from a live experience with us then we would hope it was the feeling of “heck yeah, I’m gonna be myself and do me”. That’s what BalaClava is all about, being you and making some noise whilst you do it.
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
Describing our sound to the average listener is quite simple really. Loud. Energetic. Outspoken. If you don’t say we are too loud, too in your face then we haven’t done it right.
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
We would absolutely love to tour with Soft Play, IDLES and Greenday. We think we could provide some killer opening energy. If you’re their agents reading this then get in touch with us ;)
5. What's your thoughts on AI generated music?
AI generated music is sadly becoming more and more common amongst the industry. Whilst this may be a useful tool for commercial advertising, we feel it is ruining the music scene for small local bands to break out on to the scene. AI literally scours millions of different trends, picks the top ten and writes a song that people will like because the internet told them too, not because it’s good or relatable.
6. What’s your take on the current state of Punk?
The current state of Punk? That’s an interesting question. The phrase “Punks not dead” springs to mind. Punk certainly isn’t as mainstream and apparent as it was two decades ago however it most definitely has a strong following especially in the underground music scene. Some of the best punk gigs we’ve been too have been in small overcrowded venues with everyone crammed into the room like sardines, dancing, thrashing and being themselves.
7. What’s the current music scene like there in the UK?
The local music scene in the UK is excellent after you break the initial “new band” barrier. People are aware that their favourite bands were once a local group playing at the village pub for beer money. The support we have seen local bands in East Anglia receive is absolutely phenomenal and it appears to spread across the country. We hope to be the next local band pushing the limits to party with the world.
8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?
Royalties paid to artists has always been a touchy subject. Unless you’re mega famous Spotify isn’t worth even going into. We believe that social media platforms such as TikTok are definitely the better way to make a small income when it comes to engagement/views/followers. The creator fund is definitely something we envision helping us support BalaClavas future endeavours.
9. What’s next for BalaClava?
What’s next for BalaClava? Easy, first we conquer England, then we take over the world. We have new tracks in the works for an EP/album and plan to start hitting the live music scene HARD from January 2025. Watch this space because BalaClava are coming, and it’s going to be one hell of a party when we get there.
10. Any shoutouts?
We just want to thank you guys at FTD for working with us, as well as our significant others for putting up with our late night writing sessions, loud practices and constant marketing questions. We would also like to thank everyone who is already streaming us on Spotify, the love and support we’ve had so far is unreal.