The Tragic Company

The Tragic Company (Alternative/Post Grunge/Progressive Rock) - Spain


The Tragic Company are an Alternative Rock band. For the past few years, they've worked hard to build a good reputation on the underground scene in Southern Spain thanks to their well crafted songs in English and powerful live performances. They have a large experience on the road as they’ve been touring Spain for quite some time. The band leader, Juanma Medina (guitar/vocals), has defined their style to become a mixture of the best Alternative, Post Grunge and Stoner Rock with a Progressive touch in the likes of Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, Porcupine Tree or Alter Bridge. The rest of the band members are Mariano Alcobendas (lead guitar/backing vocals); Alan Voreaux (bass guitar/backing vocals) and Jose Luis Fernández (drums). They’ve put out two studio albums, a live unplugged album and a seven minute long Progressive Rock single called "Rotten". The single will be included on their forthcoming studio album called "Paradox" which will be released by the Spanish label Wild Punk Records.

"Paradox Vol. 1" Album Review
"Without You" kicks right in with an explosion of high octane Rock. The track barrels full speed ahead at a breckneck pace with its first verse. There's a Foo Fighters tendency to it as the Modern Rock grooves keep things at a nice steady melodic pace. The melodic vocals are top notch. The bridge of the track soars with instrumental confidence as it blazes its Rock path perfectly. The guitar solo is awesome and helps close out the fantastic track in grand fashion. "Spoilt Scumbags" is upeabt from the get go. The track is filled with high energy and melody and showcases their catchy Rock sound perfectly. "Rotten" starts off with some crunchy instrumentation to help set the Progressive tone. As the melodic vocals kick in, the track soon swirls into a Dream Theater like swirl. The twists and turns are prevalant as the track barrels down a long journey into the Progressive Rock abyss. At around the four and a half minute mark it winds down and becomes more melodic. Clocking in at over seven minutes, it certaintly packs quite the Progressive Rock punch. "Breaking Down The Mirror" takes a bit to get going but once it does, it burses through the seams with a Hard Rock edge that will induce some serious mosh pits for the Rock crowd. "Ghost Under The Rain" will have the crowd clapping along from the first note. The driving force behind the track is the fantastic guitar work. The vocals keep up with them at a wonderful pace and produce some serious melody throughout. "Leave It All Behind" is more of a Rock ballad. The track starts off slow but then eventually erupts with a passion that'll get the lighters swinging in the air in a live setting. "Another Day In Paradise" gets back to the radio friendly, high energy Rock style. The track is crunchy but keeps the melodies churning at a steady pace and creates another banger of a sure to be single. The closer is an acoustic version of "Help Me". The track pulls at the heartstrings and pours out all the emotion tha band has to offer up.

The Tragic Company unleash a flair of their unfiltered signature sound to the masses.

-Interview- (5/27/20)
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “The Tragic Company" and is there any meaning behind it?

We’ve all been around in Southern Spain Underground Scene for quite a while already. The band started off around 2008 and there have been some band members in and out in the last few years, but in the past three or four we have a solid lineup. In the beginning, it was my solo project (Juanma), but I didn’t want to call it Juanma’s Project, as I am no Alan Parsons. So I thought of a name that would mean there’s more people in it besides me… when the moment to play live came, I searched for musicians and here we are. No more solo project but a real, proper full band. The sound has been evolving for all this time. From a more classic rock vibe to a modern, stoner/alternative/grunge/proggy style. We like hard and heavy stuff, but also melody and good harmonies.

2. What do you want people to take away from your music?

To play the full album again once it’s finished. And not skip a single track. We just want them to really enjoy them. To give them good, solid, honest rock songs. We always try our best to write the best music we can. Normally throw away any piece that doesn’t meet our standards.

3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?

Powerful, in-your-face modern rock music. We also like to experiment a little bit and add some proggy bits here and there, so you won’t get bored with your old trusty 4/4.

4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?

Porcupine Tree, Dizy Mizz Lizzy, and Alter Bridge.

5. What are your three desert island albums that you'd never get tired of listening to?

Dark Side of The Moon by Pink Floyd, Deadwing by Porcupine Tree and Forward in Reverse by Dizzy MIzz Lizzy.

6. What’s your take on the current state of Rock?

I think there are good bands out there with great music to be listened to and great talent, but cannot reach their potential audience because if you really want to stand out from the crowd, you need to pay for it. So, sadly, nowadays, to make good music is not enough.

7. What’s the current music scene like there in Spain?

Terrible. It’s the same old-fashioned bands, with the same old formula and the same old tricks… over and over again. Still, there are some proper bands out there, but you have to dig a lot into the shitty surface to reach them.

8. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?

People used cassette recorders to get their favourite music on their Walkmans back in the 80s and 90s and that was a way of piracy distribution, then mp3s and illegal downloads were a problem on the early 00s, but nowadays, people use Spotify and other online platforms that mean a bit more retribution to the musician. Not much, though. We’re still far from the fair point for the artists, but I think it’s the way to go. Also, it’s nice to see an upturn in vinyl sells these days. CD is dead.

9. What’s next for The Tragic Company?

To grow out of our borders in Spain and let people from other countries know us, since we believe our music is more likable out there.

10. Any shoutouts?

We’re here to stay and we’re gonna make a lot of noise. Get ready for The Tragic Company.