From: Rochester, NY
Sounds like: Alternative Punk
Willow Bay is a band from Rochester, NY who recently released this full length album to the masses. Let's crank it up and see what they're all about. The opener "Gimme The Guts" grabs the listener and doesn't let go. The track launches the album into the stratosphere with its explosive Punk sound that's both melodic and loud (in a good way). "7/4" as a bit of crunch to it. The track brings to mind 311 and really soars with its brand of catchy Punk. "Forget Your Name" goes the jugular with its high octane Punk sound. The track features an early Blink 182 influence as it rides the melodic Punk wave perfectly. "Stuck in Stop Motion" is bouncy and super catchy. The track has restraint as the chorus explodes with confidence and easy accessibility. The guitar solo on the track is out of this world also. "Dreaming" is Willow Bay through and through. It's Punk with a dash of Alternative Rock. There's a slight Weezer sound to the track. "Orion's Belt" is a track that was on their previous EP and it still packs a ton of punch like it did previously. It's a single worthy track and everyone should be able to get into the super catchy sound with ease. "Godspeed" has a bit of a funky side to it. The bass riffs and guitar work bring to mind early Red Hot Chili Peppers. It's a different sound but it works quite well. "Be Strong" features a driving energy that helps make it a stand out track. The track is highly infectious and will be a fan favorite for sure. The builds and chorus on the track are easily singable. "Highslide" opens a tad slow but picks up the pace shortly thereafter. The drums are extraordinary on the track thus creating a wall of Punk sound. The guitars are also top notch and have riffs for days. "Hell with a Handbag" turns it up to 11. The Green Day comparisons are on full display. The track is fast, melodic and straight in your face. "Dreaming" might be an acoustic version of the previous version but it still rocks. It closes the album out on a high note as the track glides effortlessly into the horizon.
Willow Bay's new full length album should be a hit with fans of Punk music.