Count Vanni talks about the transition from Punk to Hip Hop, his "Hills" remix and much more.
From: Nassau County, NY
Sounds like: Hip Hop
1. What's new? How did this project come about?
This is a project I’ve always wanted to do, but was too nervous to do my own thing, always felt the need to have my band be my safety net. So it’s scary, but it’s a breath of fresh air that I desperately needed.
2. How is the writing and recording process different than it was with Complicated Arrangement?
Well I’m no producer, and this is very new so I’m testing the waters with a free non-profit album. My secret is that I keep track of every rhyme and lyric that runs through my head in an app called Songwriters pad. Eventually everything comes together, unless I know what I want to write, then it’s virtually the same as writing for CA.
3. What made you choose "The Hills" as a track to remix?
After my last breakup, I was a fuckin wreck man. Like, crying, drinking, breaking shit...I was in a constant state of breaking down until I passed out for a month. I went to sleep one of those nights with my Eminem playlist on shuffle. Woke up to his remix of The Hills. It just kinda clicked. I wrote my remix after taking some phrases from his and flipping them to mean completely different things. It was the first step to recovering from that mess that I was.
4. What do you want your live show to consist of?
I haven’t decided that, but I want it to be an exciting and memorable experience. Maybe shooting some water guns, maybe some props, balloons, audience participation, all that good stuff.
5. Your original single "Selvaggio" features Second Nature. How did you hook up with him?
We met through Buz Bomb. Kane’s a cool dude. Similar influence as me, unique voice, intricate flow...but yeah. I was working on this posse cut that Buz wanted me to drop a verse on called Little Do You Know, a remix of Alex & Sierra. He ultimately made 3 or 4 different versions all with different people on the final verse. I did one, so did Kane. The final version of it was MJ Holliday, Nicky Scarz, Buz Bomb and EZ Blues, cause Nicky didn’t want anyone else on the official. On my upcoming album I have my own version, with features from Second Nature, MJ Holliday and Buz Bomb.
6. What are you currently listening to?
I’m listening to Eminem and his other projects, you know, D12, Soul Intent, Bad Meets Evil, that shit. Hopsin’s new album is dope. Been bumping a lot of P!nk, Camila Cabello, Linkin Park, Motionless in White...I’m also getting into the Gin Blossoms. Radio shit that I don’t really know the names of as well.
7. What's one thing you wish you could change about the current landscape of Hip Hop?
I don’t wanna change anything, cause it’s not my place to do. But if I could choose something that I think needs to change is the lack of variety, which is why I don’t listen to that much rap. On my album, just like I did with CA, Is multiple different styles and sounds. This time with rap instead of punk as my primary.
8. Who are some of your influences?
I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t really pinpoint what influences me. I think every time I hear something that resonates me it gets absorbed in. I will definitely credit lots of the artists mentioned in the previous answer.
9. Is there a release date in mind for more songs? Any music videos?
As of right now, I’m in the recording process of the album. When more songs are completed more decisions will be made.
10. What do you wish to accomplish in the next six months?
I’m releasing my rap debut Psych Assessment hopefully this spring, in the meantime I’m looking to play out a few times and get my name tossed around.