From: London/Warsaw
Sounds like: Thrash/Metal/Hardcore
"Light" is an intro track that sets a heavy instrumental vibe with its near one minute length. "Wings" takes a bit to get going but once it does, it explodes through with a flurry of riffs and breakdowns that draws comparisons to Unearth and Shadows Fall. The title track is next and it's more slower and methodical than the previous track. There's a newer Zao vibe to the track as it sludges through with more of an emphasis on the instrumental than the vocals. "Horizon Is My Home" is more subdued once again. The track takes twists, turns and sets a more darker vibe. The five minute track pulls its sounds together nicely in the end. "Just Another Journey" takes off from the first note. The chaotic nature takes center stage but still features melodic sections that bring the intensity down for a bit. "Reborn Army of Death" is awesome when it really lets loose. The track controls itself at times but it's when it goes off the rails that's when it's at its best. "Seven Becomes One" has Deftones vibes from the opening riffs. The track then barrels down a more complex path with some pretty tremendous depth when it doesn't hold back. "Project Fear" brings with it a more toned back sound. The early Mewithoutyou comparisons come through and it's more of an interlude than an intense track like the previous ones. "Waves Breathe" is more of an outro track as the minute and a half length brings with it more moody instrumental vibes to set up the closer. "Damned" is a six minute romp through the wilderness of sound that the band can conjure up. It's a perfect track to showcase their chops.
Dayisnear smashes down the walls of Thrash/Metal/Hardcore with their newest album.