-Review- The Human Tragedy - "Within Here Lies Pain" Album

The Human Tragedy bring their unique brand of Orchestral Death Metal to the masses via their "Within Here Lies Pain" album.


From: Huntington, WV
Sounds like: Orchestral Death Metal

The Human Tragedy released this critically acclaimed album earlier in 2017. It was also featured on a few Top albums lists of 2017 alongside heavyweights such as Converge, Code Orange and more. Let's look back and see what The Human Tragedy are all about. The opener "Leech" kicks off with a stormy ambiance before piano and eventual guitar kicks in. The symphonic sound along with the ferocious vocals engulf the listener in a Metal whirlwind. It's an opener that really gives the listener a good idea of what the band is all about. "Losing Grip" is unrelenting in its delivery. The track cranks the intensity to a completely different level. There are some technical riffs on the track that are simply mind blowing. "Digitally Dying" is the shortest track on the album and features their signature sound in a nice tight package. The track digs in and takes the listener on a ride of the sounds of Metal, Orchestral tones and even a dash of Hardcore. "Bound" keeps the audio assault moving at a fast clip. The track dips down halfway through with some incredible sounds before blasting back in with a shred-tastic guitar solo. "Becoming" features an almost Industrial sound. The track sinks its teeth in and packs a mean bite as it features enough breakdowns and riffs to satisfy any Metalheads' craving. "Recognize" is a tad slower than the previous tracks but has a Sludge Metal coasting to it. The slower breakdowns, melody and riffs make it easily accessible Metal track in its five minute length. "Brand New Taste" creeps in and eventually unleashes hell on the listener with outstanding melodic riffs, Orchestral tones, fierce drumming and sharp vocals that help create a track that really stands out. The circle pit inducing breakdown near the end of the track is something special. It's rare that a track so deep within an album is a gem but "Rearrange" is just that. The track takes the album to new heights and puts the listener on notice that the band aren't messing around. The closing track "Within Here Lies Pain" is the longest track on the album and features enough twists and turns to make the listeners yearn for more once it's done. The album is an incredible effort from an extremely talented group.

The Human Tragedy bring their unique brand of Orchestral Death Metal to the masses via their "Within Here Lies Pain" album.