From: Ireland
Sounds like: Alternative Rock
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Movment" and is there any meaning behind it?
KK - we have been playing music for a while.. our first band Raw Novembre was more punk. We still have that, and believe in the idea of punk.. anyone can play music. Our sound is probably due to the music we listen to, we are basically big music fans and listen to lots of genres.. but mainly punk, post punk, rock, indie, goth, metal, even electronic stuff, and more. It all feeds into our sound.
MK: yeah, I'm a metal fan but there are lots of music types I like. Once it is real, has an edge, and is original, I like it. I try and give most music a chance. There is so much out there now, it is not possible to listen to it all.
KK: Movment has been around for a while, and the dropped E is just to make it original, we are in the era of texting... I suppose it came from the idea of a movment, not necessarily a political one, but movement as a group of people with something in common, and people working together for a common goal. So that's where the idea came from.
MK: We see movment as art, and the idea of creating an original song appeals to us. We are not trying to be anybody else, just ourselves. If the songs we write appeal to someone that is great. We get the same kick out of listening to music, both old and new. Once the connection is made, the music and songs stay with you. If you don't like it, listen to something else.. There is so much good music out there!
2. What do you want people to take away from your music?
MK: As we have said, we are music fans. When we like music, it has an effect on our moods, on our actions, on our lives. We would hope that anyone that listens to Movment will get something from it. It could be inspiring. It could be relaxing. It really is down to the listener to decide. We know we won't appeal to everyone.
KK: We obviously appeal to people who like certain genres of music, but we are not limited to that. I would hope that someone that likes our music would also have a similar taste in music to us. But ultimately everyone's musical taste should be their own. There will be some overlap with some people's musical taste, but you should decide yourself what you like and don't like.
MK: Our music also makes you think. It is more a commentary on life and living, so if it opens people up to new ideas or to make them think more about something, that would be great. We don't have the answers but we do ask questions.
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
KK: We are influenced by lots of bands, and I suppose our sound draws from this influence. We probably have a few different genres in the mix - Post Punk, Alternative Rock, Goth - but we are creating our own take on these.
MK: Yes, bands probably don't want to be in a particular category but it does help listeners decide if the music is for them. We are not jazz or hip hop, and rock is very broad. We would call ourselves alternative rock, but that just means that we try and be unique and create our own brand of rock.
KK: Also we use the basics - Drums, Guitars, Bass, Vocals - but we also use synths/keyboards for atmospherics. But ultimately we are a rock band.
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
KK: I know who Martin will say! I would like to tour with the Jesus and Mary Chain, the Pixies, and Fugazi or Sonic Youth if they got back together (not happening!) Oh, that's 4! So the 3rd band would be Smashing Pumpkins...
MK: Nine Inch Nails, Iron Maiden, New Model Army...
5. How has Covid affected what you do as a band?
KK: We were not touring much when it hit, so it did not affect live gigs for us. It did focus us more on writing and it made it easier to complete the album.
MK: Yeah, we spent a lot of time writing and recording during the lockdowns. When you can't go out to pubs/restaurants, it was great to have a good writing/recording setup. so Covid definitely helped with that. And we had started writing an album after we had released the Red Death Sessions EP in early 2018.
6. What’s your take on the current state of Post Punk?
MK: Punk and Post Punk are great at the moment. So many good new bands, and lots of old stuff to catch up with. Music is so easy to access these days. It would be better if bands were paid more for creating music, but we have to live with the system that is there, or do we? I like to buy physical copies of music that I like, and I buy some to support bands, but I also like to be able to listen and check out bands online first, so streaming is good for that.
KK: It is not easy to make a living from music, but it is easier to make music at home now, and to write. And I always see post punk as music that came after punk. I know that may seem obvious, but for me punk opened up music to everyone. And those that started it in the 70s are punk. I just see everything after that as post punk. Not sure if that is everyone's definition of it. I know punk is seen as loud, aggressive, fast, but I think it evolved after that. I like the idea of anyone starting a band. And in particular being angry and intense, and real and independent, ... but there are probably new terms to describe music like that...
7. What’s the current music scene like in Ireland?
MK: There are good rock bands and punk bands in Ireland, some old, some new. Fontaines DC and Girl Band are doing well, and bands like Trouble Pilgrims and Just Mustard are interesting. There are lots of new punk and post punk bands, but also lots of other genres - pop, R&B, electronica - if anything there are less rock bands than there used to be. Although this is probably because the press (and blog scene) is less likely to cover rock bands.. and perhaps there are lots more bands in other genres. At the end of the day, a blog will only write about the music they like, which is fair enough.
KK: If you look below the surface there are always new punk bands releasing music and playing gigs. Obviously we have been in lockdown for 2 years more or less, so gigs have stopped, but there are a lot of records being released now, and there has been a resurgence in vinyl sales. There will always be a healthy music scene in Ireland.. it's in our genes!
8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?
KK: I know the payments by Spotify are too low, and there are artists and artist groups fighting this. I am not anti streaming, but musicians could definitely be paid more. But also, streaming is a great way for bands and new bands to get their music heard. So hopefully a better deal for artists will be forthcoming. There are discussions ongoing about a new model of payment for artists. At the moment some of the money you pay to Spotify and Apple is for music that you are not listening to, perhaps this could be changed to include a bigger percentage of this to artists you actually listen to. I'm sure it will evolve over the coming years, but currently for most artists, streaming is not a viable income stream. Also it would need more people to pay for streaming services, there are still a lot of people that don't or won't pay. And YouTube, they just are not paying a fair share to the music creators. Perhaps there needs to be more legal protection for artists and the music they create.
9. What’s next for Movment?
MK: Our album was recorded in 2020 and early 2021 and mixed in early Summer. So we are beginning the process of recording a new album. And with Covid restrictions being eased, we are considering doing gigs in Spring or Summer 2022. We are also working on another musical project which may have a release in 2022.
KK: Yeah, I am experimenting in the studio at the moment. And we are beginning to record some demos which will eventually become the basis for the next Movment album. Not sure how long that will take though.
10. Any shoutouts?
A new video for our 3rd single We All Must Go, from our album Transformation, is just complete. Here is the link - here. And our album is streaming on Soundcloud for the next few weeks. We are also taking Pre Orders for the album on Bandcamp. And thank you to anyone who takes the time to listen to our music, who comments about it. It is always good to hear what people think of it, good or bad.