1. Altamadum - "Living In Your Shadow" (Canada)
2. as system fails - "Harsh Reality" (Connecticut)
3. Beyond God - "A Siren's Cry" (Netherlands)
4. Dexoflex - "Intertwined Valentine" (California)
5. Engineer of Death - "Oceans" (Bulgaria)
6. Hell Comes Home - "Sic Semper Tyrannis" (Arkansas)
7. Kalatone - "Ghost Inside My Shell" (Australia)
8. O'Craven - "Murphy" (California)
9. Orage - "Gemini" (Germany)
10. Rationalist - "Helldiver" (Utah)
11. Suburban Key Party - "Out of My Way" (Virginia)
12. Tazer - "Never Live By Violence" (Norway)
13. The Dark Table - "Priceless (Nintendoom)" (Quebec)
14. Won Word Trend - "Getaway" (Massachusetts)
15. Crack! Bang! Pow! - "Hey" (Texas)
16. Dream Iridescent - "Stone Circles" (Kentucky)
17. Deep Majestic Thunder - "Soma Shower" (Australia)
18. Engineer of Death - "Ode to Sleep" (Bulgaria)
19. After The Apocalypse - "Shadows" (Ohio)
20. Serena's Fire - "In Spite Of" (Florida)
21. With My Own Eyes - "Tell Me" (Florida)