1. Altamadum - "Last Chance" (Canada)
2. Antapex - "Blacker Than Black" (Nevada)
3. Audation - "Pockets" (Nebraska)
4. Beyond Chaotic - "Saturday Night" (Florida)
5. Destroyers of Reality - "Fear"
6. Dreamwoven - "Until the Dust Settles" (United Kingdom)
7. Ebullition - "Cycles of War" (Florida)
8. From Planet 3 - "When Angels Fight" (California)
9. Fuzzripper - "On the Run" (Tennessee)
10. Imajjjin - "An Arduous Bloodlust" (Kansas)
11. Kaosphere - "All is Lost" (Australia)
12. La Need Machine - "Scary Voices" (Washington)
13. Like Savages - "Caskets" (Massachusetts)
14. Man Must Explore - "Age Old Dance Pt. 2" (New York)
15. Milk St. - "Baseball" (Maine)
16. Molten Black - "Till The Day I Die" (Canada)
17. Oxeneers - "Methuselah" (Pennsylvania)
18. PariahSystem - "Arc" (Oklahoma)
19. Perpetual Deception - "Good Enough for Failure" (Louisiana)
20. Rotfang and the Reptilians - "Retriever" (Finland)
21. Seven40Seven - "Pocket Pussy" (California)
22. Strange Skies - "Against the Blood" (Kentucky)
23. Tears of a Deity - "Walk With Me Through Hell" (Canada)
24. The Haptics - "Doubt" (British Columbia)
25. Minority - "Too Young" (Slovakia)
26. Tin Zelkova - "Rotten Man" (Kentucky)
27. Absinthe Allie - "Away" (Nebraska)
28. Fix the Glitch - "Savage Lands" (Minnesota)
29. Perpetual Deception - "The Eye of Sauron" (Louisiana)
30. Summer Seventeen - "Magnificent" (Germany)
31. Vile Cynic - "One of Us" (Illinois)
32. Baja Caravan - "We Remain Defiant" (Arizona)
33. Cetragore - "Zolom" (Massachusetts)
34. Delphi Ravens - "Only You Can Save Me" (Oregon)
35. Ephemerus - "Failure" (Kansas)
36. Exiler - "Disconnected" (Spain)
37. Faith in Failure - "Ohma" (Ohio)
38. Grim Grin - "Yesterday Morning" (Pennsylvania)
39. Kono - "Ring Out" (California)
40. Milk St. - "His House" (Maine)
41. Nattsvermer - "Bad Knee" (Norway)
42. Pitch Black Mentality - "Fear the Rising Sun" (Norway)
43. Tears of a Deity - "Memories in Stone" (Canada)
44. Tenderhooks - "Queen of Hearts" (England)
45. The Magician Reversed - "The Incantation" (Ohio)
46. Videotape - "Tale of Two" (Missouri)
47. Voices of the Damned - "Alone" (Ohio)
48. Wolfsmoke - "Spite Bites Back" (United Kingdom)